Large selection of records of the best brands of the Disc Golf

Enjoy the summer, and winter by practicing the Disc Golf on the magnificent lands across Quebec. To equip yourself, you must have different records to cover all the distances on a Disc Golf course, often named Frisbee Golf. Like golf sticks, each disc of Disc Golf browsing a specific distance:

  • Driver discs cover the biggest distances and they are mostly used to start the plot to the basket (hole) from the starting tender.
  • Fairway driver disks also travel long distances but shorter than drivers. These discs will generally be used in the aisles (Fairway) but also from the starting calls when less speed is required.
  • Midrange discs are approach disks aimed at bringing the disc to green, near a basket (hole) of Disc Golf.
  • Putter disks are very stable discs in flight and they are perfect for completing a basket when we are on the "green" Disc Golf.

We offer disks from the biggest brands of the Disc Golf industry so you can take full advantage of this sport.

The big brands of the Disc Golf

  • Dynamic Discs, Innova Discs
  • Dare Devil, Latitude 64, Westside Discs
  • Kastaplast, Prodigy, AGL Discs, MVP Discs, Axiom Discs
  • Discmania and much more

Buy your records now in our shop to cope with all situations on a Disc Golf course.